Improving Access to Care Among Transgender Men & Women Living with HIV/AIDS
under Ryan White/ADAPs Serving Transgender Clients
Join the ADAP
Advocacy Association and
RAD Remedy
for a #TransADAP Twitter Chat at 1:00 p.m. (EST) Tuesday, June 27th.
The #TransADAP Twitter Chat will focus on recent resources (i.e., policy
paper and infographic) made available to raise awareness about issues confronting
transgender men and women living with HIV/AIDS who also access care and treatment
(or those who could benefit from such care and treatment) under Ryan White
(such as the AIDS Drug Assistance Program) or other public health programs.
Join the conversation with the hashtag #TransADAP.
Discussion topics to include:
T1: What are some barriers trans people can face in pursuing care
and treatment under Ryan White or other public health programs? #TransADAP
T2: What is trans "comprehensive competency"? #TransADAP
Download the "Model Policy for Ryan White/ADAPs Serving
Transgender Clients" #TransADAP
T4: Why is it important to increase trans competency, in HIV care
specifically? #TransADAP
T5: How can providers use the policy paper to improve their practice?
T6: How can individual patients use the policy paper to
pursue/troubleshoot care and treatment access issues? #TransADAP
T7: How can trans advocacy organizations use the white paper to improve
access to care & quality of treatment for transgender PLWHA? #TransADAP
T8: If patients have issues with the care they receive, what are their
options? #TransADAP
T9: What can non-trans advocates do to assist in this effort? #TransADAP
T10: Are hormones ever covered by ADAP formularies? #TransADAP
Provider cultural competency, as well as affirming forms and systems, results
in better health outcomes and greater patient retention. The path to treatment
adherence starts with forms, systems, and providers equipped to meet clients
where they are.
Hosts and handles for the chat:
ADAP Advocacy Association - @adapadvocacy
RAD Remedy - @radremedy (Moderator)
Featured participants and handles for the chat include:
AIDS Alabama - @AIDSAlabama
Community Access National Network (CANN) - @TIICANN
Equality North Carolina - @equalitync
Georgia Equality - @GAEquality
HealthHIV - @HealthHIV
Heartland Cares, Inc. - @HeartlandCARES
Human Rights Campaign (HRC) - @HRC
North Carolina AIDS Action Network (NCAAN) - @NCAIDSAction
Southern AIDS Coalition (SAC) - @SouthernAIDSCo
TransSOCIAL, Inc. - @AskMeAboutTrans
We'd love to add you or your organization to our list of confirmed participants.
Email Brandon at
or direct message @adapadvocacy on Twitter to add your organization, though
confirmation is not necessary to participate.