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PRESS RELEASES - (2014 Archives)

The ADAP Advocacy Association (aaa+®) issued the following press releases in 2014:

ADAP Advocacy Association Recognizes World AIDS Day

Urges People Living with HIV/AIDS to Speak Out for Patients Denied Access to Care under the AIDS Drug Assistance Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 1, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today reflected on the approximately 648,459 people in the United States who lost their lives to the struggle against HIV/AIDS. World AIDS Day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Launches Comprehensive ADAP Directory; Flagship Program is Designed to Link Patients to Information about AIDS Drug Assistance Programs

WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 4, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today announced that it launched its comprehensive ADAP Directory at the opening ceremony of its 7th Annual Conference in Washington, DC. The ADAP Directory is its groundbreaking flagship program, made possible by generous support from AbbVie, Merck, and Walgreens.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Announces Recipients for 2014 Annual ADAP Leadership Awards; Leaders to receive Awards at 4th Annual Awards Dinner

Award Honorees Reflect Conference’s “Future of ADAP” Theme

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 7, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today announced the recipients for its 2014 Annual ADAP Leadership Awards, which recognizes individual, community, government, media and corporate leaders who are working to improve access to care and treatment under the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs. The eight leadership awards will be presented during the 4th Annual ADAP Leadership Awards Dinner being held on Monday, August 4th at 7:00 pm in Washington, DC. The dinner will be held in conjunction with its 7th Annual Conference, being held at the Westin Washington DC City Center on August 3-5, 2014.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Releases Final Report on the Intersection Between ACA & ADAP Summit; Report offers observations and recommendations for consideration

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 10, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today announced that it has released the Final Report from “The Intersection Between ACA & ADAP Summit” - which was held in partnership with the Community Access National Network (CANN) in Washington, DC earlier this year. The purpose of the Final Report is to convey some of the programmatic changes, improvements and reforms that could be leveraged under the ACA to better serve people living with HIV-infection and/or Viral Hepatitis.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Issues Call for Nominations for its 2014 Annual ADAP Leadership Awards; 4th Annual Awards Dinner to be held during 7th Annual Conference

Awards to recognize leaders who are working to improve access to care and treatment

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 27, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today opened nominations for its 2014 Annual ADAP Leadership Awards. The awards will recognize individual, community, government and corporate leaders who are working to improve access to care and treatment under the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs.

A Call for Nominations has been issued for the following awards:

  • ADAP Champion of the Year - (individual)
  • ADAP Emerging Leader of the Year - (individual)
  • ADAP Corporate Partner of the Year
  • ADAP Community Organization of the Year
  • ADAP Lawmaker of the Year
  • ADAP Social Media Campaign of the Year
  • ADAP Grassroots Campaign of the Year
  • ADAP Media Story of the Year

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ADAP Advocacy Association Releases White Paper on "The Southern Epidemic"

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 16, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today released an important White Paper on the impact of HIV/AIDS in the South, entitled "THE SOUTHERN EPIDEMIC: Are the South’s cultural, political and societal barriers making it difficult for public health programs, such as the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs, to function effectively in this region?" The White Paper examines the numerous factors contributing to people living with HIV/AIDS in this region of the country experiencing more barriers to access healthcare. It also addresses the disproportionate impact of waiting lists under the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs that have historically plagued the South.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Releases 2013 Annual Report; Accomplishments tempered by return of more ADAP waiting lists

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 8, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today released it 2013 Annual Report. Whereas the AIDS Drug Assistance Program waiting lists were finally eliminated last year, significant fiscal pressures continue to restrict access to appropriate, timely care and treatment in many states. The implementation of the Affordable Care Act is expected to provide some relief, but uncertainty also remains over the possible unintended consequences of the law.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Seats Two Board Members: Aaron Baldwin & Chrys Thorsen bring added diversity, expertise and leadership to the organization

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 2, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today announced that it has appointed two new members to its Board of Directors. Aaron Baldwin of San Francisco, who works as an agent with New York Life Insurance and designed the first of its kind Positive Planning annuity for the HIV-positive community, and Chrys Thorsen of Los Angeles, who is a leading technology consultant and former IT project lead on a PEPFAR-funded electronic health record program, were seated to the Board of Directors.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Applauds CMS Decision to Guarantee Access to Care & Treatment under Marketplace Exchanges

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 25, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today applauded the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for their recent interim final rule requiring health insurance companies participating in the Marketplace Exchange under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to accept third-party payments from Ryan White CARE Act funds for cost sharing and premiums. The mandate alleviates one of the unintended barriers that could have prevented access to care for patients living with HIV/AIDS.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Concerned Over the Return of the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs Waiting Lists

WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 27, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today expressed concern over the news that waiting lists are once again being reported under the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs). According to the National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors, Utah has placed three people living with HIV/AIDS on its ADAP waiting list.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Alarmed Over Possible Discriminatory Treatment of Patients Living with HIV/AIDS in Marketplace Exchanges; patients in Louisiana and North Dakota already being impacted

WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 20, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, today urged the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to issue a mandate to insurance companies to dictate that they accept third party payments from Ryan White CARE Act grantees for Marketplace Exchange insurance plans. aaa+® believes this to be a crucial step in ensuring equal access to healthcare for HIV/AIDS patients in Louisiana and North Dakota whose Marketplace Exchange insurance companies are currently rejecting Ryan White funds to cover premiums for people living with HIV/AIDS.

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ADAP Advocacy Association Announces "Intersection Between ACA & ADAP Summit"

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 23, 2014) - The ADAP Advocacy Association, also known as aaa+®, together with the Community Access National Network (CANN) "Hepatitis: Education, Advocacy & Leadership" (HEAL) project, today announced that it is hosting its annual summit on Sunday, April 13th - Tuesday, April 15th, 2014. The summit, themed "Intersection Between ACA & ADAP Summit," will be open to the public, but only invited panelists will be participating on the various roundtables - which will be facilitated by an independent moderator.

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