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The ADAP Advocacy mission is to promote and enhance the AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) and improve access to care for persons living with HIV/AIDS. ADAP Advocacy works with advocates, community, health care, government, patients, pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders to raise awareness, offer patient educational programs, and foster greater community collaboration.

ADAP Advocacy is the only national grassroots organization focused exclusively on ADAP and ensuring that there are adequate resources nationwide to eliminate or prevent waiting lists for services. Our purpose is to better engage people living with HIV/AIDS by providing a platform whereby they can offer their personal experiences, challenges, knowledge, insight and solutions to solving this perpetual problem.

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The ADAP Blog focuses on the the federal commitment to fully fund the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Go to: ADAP Blog


The ADAP Directory is a convenient online resource to locate information about the AIDS Drugs Assistance Program for all U.S. states and territories.

Go to: ADAP Directory


NASTAD’s National RWHAP Part B ADAP Monitoring Project documents key trends, challenges, and successes faced by State AIDS Drug Assistance Programs.

Go to: 2024 Annual Report


ADAP Advocacy convenes Health Fireside Chat retreats in local communities throughout the year among key stakeholder groups with moderated white-board style discussions to discuss pertinent public health issues facing patients in U.S. states and territories.


The ADAP Scholarship Fund is a restricted fund to provide scholarships for people living with HIV/AIDS and their supporters so they can attend ADAP-related advocacy and educational events. Please help to support these advocates by donating online today.